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GLYPH Hit Platformer Announces August 9th Release Date on Steam

Coming successfully out of Steam Next Festival, Bolverk Games is announcing the release date as August 9th, 2021, for their sizeable 3D platformer, Glyph. With 2,5 million impressions on the NEXT festival, many PC players will be interested to hear that Glyph is moving out of the “Coming Soon” state and into the fixed date early in August.

From Nintendo Switch to PC

Glyph was initially released on Nintendo Switch in January and immediately met positive reviews and reactions. Since its initial release, the game has undergone a couple of patches and updates. Noticeably, the difficulty has been tweaked as a response to feedback from gamers.

“It’s incredibly pleasing, the reception of Glyph from players and reviewers. We’ve put blood, sweat, and the thinly worn skin of our fingertips into this game. So to have players come into our discord and praise it to high heaven, well, they deserve to be taken seriously,” says Bo Bennekov, CEO of Bolverk Games.

Glyph is Easy to Learn – Difficult to Master

Journey, Metroid, Super Monkey Ball

It seems contradictory, but all of those games and more have been mentioned in the effort to try and explain Glyph by players, tubers, casters, streamers, and reviewers in search of ways to describe the game by comparison. No one can precisely put their fingers on it.

That’s because although Glyph is resting on classical platforming values, the approach from Bolverk Games is new and its idea original.

“The scenery is beautiful, the music is original and soothing, the gameplay is captivating but challenging, and importantly, the controls are precise and versatile. So, we’re ready to make the transition to PC, and I think people will be happy to experience how well the game flows and the advanced controls of our main character, Glyph,” comments Design Director Jesper Halfter in anticipation of the August 9th release of Glyph on Steam.

You can wishlist Glyph for PC via Steam right now before it’s August 9th release date. For more information, please visit:

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I'm a published author and proud US Army veteran who happens to be a gamer, so I decided to combine the two and love every minute of it! Feel free to contact me with any questions or comments and I'll be sure to get back to you.

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