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Indie Arena Booth Announces gamescom 2015 Lineup

Indie Arena Booth Announces gamescom 2015 Lineup

42 independent developers from 15 countries presenting their latest games on over 500 m² – Welcome to the Indie Arena Booth 2015!

“We’re passionate, we’re colorful and we are many!“ Never before have so many indie developers had the chance to exhibit at gamescom and present their work. Equipped with 42 creative, unusual and fantastic games, the international gladiators of Indie Arena are leading the charge to the biggest consumer video game expo in Cologne. The entire space will be filled with different gaming opportunities and developers. Because life is too short to wait in line!

After successfully attending gamescom on a smaller scale in the last two years, the Indie Arena team is taking the next big step by filling a gap on this year’s gamescom show floor: National and international developers will exhibit their wide multifaceted range of games on more than 500 m² of exhibitor space in hall 10.1.

Through the support by generous sponsors, BIU.Dev and Kölnmesse the team behind the Indie Arena Booth was able to gather a lineup of more than 40 games, not only from Germany but all over the world (UK, Finland, Netherlands, USA and even Malaysia). Following projects will be on display:

to be continued…

Here is the official announcement video:

About the Indie Arena Booth

The Indie Arena Booth is an open home for independent game developers from all over the world, hosted by the German indie community “Indie Arena”. It is a platform for the developers in person as well as a show case for the colorful and vivid game scene between Avantgarde and AAA. With over 500m² of space and over 40 participating developers from 15 different countries the goal of the Indie Arena Booth is to allow the small developers stand out in the gamescom craze.

The booth is being organized by a five people team led by Oliver Eberlei (Hammer Labs). The initiative arose from the Indie Arena community, a developer forum for studios and freelancers from the DACH region. The Indie Arena is a forum open for all developers that consider their work “independent” and who share the same values.

Source: Official Website

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