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INDIVISIBLE Review for Mac

INDIVISIBLE Review for Mac

As I first entered into the world of Indivisible, an action RPG/platformer developed by Lab Zero Games and published by 505 Games, I was immediately in awe by the opening. It definitely got me excited to play Indivisible! (See the animated video for yourself).

Indivisible is about a girl named Ajna from a village called Ashwat who seems to hold a mysterious power. Her journey starts when she experiences Dhar, who works for Lord Ravannavar, attacking her father and her village and vows to take down Ravannavar.

I’m going to take a quick pause and talk about the art and animation. While I was playing the game, I always looked forward to the cutscenes because everything just moves so beautifully. The artwork in this game is gorgeous! And it’s all hand-drawn! How awesome is that?

INDIVISIBLE Review for Mac
INDIVISIBLE Review for Mac

The whole Indivisible game is pretty much voice acted as well and it auto-plays so when the characters are done speaking their lines, it automatically goes on to the next line in the dialogue which I thought was a nice touch. I’ve often played games where the voice actor/character would be done speaking but the screen wouldn’t go on until I clicked a key to continue so I like how this game auto-plays.

An interesting aspect of the game is the fact that all the characters/friends (the “Incarnations”) that Ajna meets get transported into her brain, her “inner realm,” which expands as you meet more characters (due to her power). Each of the characters all have their own stories and their personalities are all unique and humorous, which I found really refreshing. I believe that there are 22 characters that Ajna meets and gets to join her team so that’s 23 characters you can play as (battle-wise). I really like all the characters that I’ve met so far, especially Razmi, and their interactions with each other.

INDIVISIBLE Review for Mac

As far as gameplay, I don’t think the battles are too difficult. You can definitely spam each of the characters’ abilities (which I’m guilty of doing), but I’d advise not to if you want to fill up the Iddhi meter (which allows the characters to use their ultimate skills) quicker because if you block with characters that aren’t being attacked, that’ll use up your Iddhi meter. Don’t worry too much about dying in game because if you die, you just respawn at the saving point or near where you died. There’s no item lost or anything like that. You just have to continue battling until the enemy is killed or you’ve moved on to another part of the map. There are also these red gems called Ringsel that are placed throughout the world that should be collected in order to strengthen your team members and their capabilities. I believe the more you upgrade, the more times the characters can use their basic attacks and their ultimate skills.

INDIVISIBLE Review for Mac

Also, just a warning for the beginning, if you’re going to play on your keyboard, I would advise hitting ESC and adjusting the controls to what you’re comfortable with as soon as the opening is done and you’re put into the very first battle. This is because Indivisible seems to be better suited, at least in the beginning when the controls aren’t modified, for the controller. That being said, it is definitely playable on the keyboard. I actually played with my keyboard at first and then ended up purchasing a controller just to see how different it would be. There’s honestly not that much of a difference. But I guess my left hand is happier as I don’t have to continuously smash keys with it now.

Another thing that I noticed a couple of times and would advise is try not to move too fast during scenes when the terrain changes (high to low terrain and sometimes vice versa) because the camera tries to center and move to focus on Ajna and this produces a dizzying effect (at least for me) because of how fast the camera is moving. There are also scenes where the lighting changes super quickly, such that when Ajna faces one direction, it’s dark but as soon as she just slightly turns, the screen is automatically way brighter. I feel it might be smoother if the lighting gradually lightens or darkens but it’s not that big of a deal.

As for my rating, I would give it an 8.5/10. I really like the characters, the art, animation, and voice acting are all stunning but some of the gameplay, like the jumping, frustrates me and the storyline, at least in the beginning, isn’t all that memorable for me. I feel like it would be better if Ajna could axe jump multiple times instead of just once.

Check Out the Indivisible Combat & Character Video:

Indivisible will be out on October 8th on Steam, GOG, PS4, and Xbox One. It’s available for pre-order now on sale for $35.99 (normally $39.99), which might sound a bit pricey but given that everything is hand-drawn and voice acted, it makes the price more reasonable. For more information, you can check out the website at:


  • Jasmine Wang

    I'm a sophomore studying Computer Science at the University of Michigan. I'm really interested in how technology can impact lives through game development. One of the things that I really like about gaming is that, not only is it fun and relaxing, but there are so many ideas you can incorporate into games and their storylines such as meaningful lessons/messages.

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