Gaming Cypher

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INTERVIEW: DOG DUTY – with Linda Bendsneijder, SOEDESCO

INTERVIEW: DOG DUTY - with Linda Bendsneijder, SOEDESCO

Interviewee: Linda Bendsneijder, Junior PR Manager at SOEDESCO


Since Dog Duty has been in Steam Early Access, have you been getting good feedback from the community that has helped you make relevant changes to the game?

We’ve received a lot of enthusiastic feedback from the community. Since we first announced the game in August last year, we’ve gotten a lot of support from players who are into Real Time Tactics games. The community is a collection of very knowledgeable players who were able to add a lot of value to the user experience of Dog Duty. We’ve listened to them very carefully and adapted the game to fit their expectations, but we’ve also kept the developer’s creative vision in mind.

What new or special additions to Dog Duty are you planning for console?

The console versions have been fully optimized to fit and feel natural to each platform. The PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch versions were all carefully developed in order to maximize the console experience. The game will come PS4 Pro and Xbox One X enhanced and has 4K support. We’ve also made several graphical tweaks and added controller optimization.  The console version will come with post processing effects as well.

Will a console controller allow for seamless movement while playing Dog Duty?

Yes, we’ve spend a lot of time into developing and testing the controller to ensure seamless movement. We also gathered useful feedback from players who have played the game with a controller. Based on this, we were able to make useful adaptations to allow for a smooth controller experience. Dog Duty lends itself well to console and we are very happy to bring the game to these other platforms.

Will there be DLC’s added to both PC and Console versions of the game?

Yes, we have plans to add future DLC’s. Both the Steam and console versions will continue to be supported! And of course we will continue to listen to the community as well.  If you’d like to know what future DLC’s we’ve got planned for the game, you can join our Discord and chat with us to stay up to date.

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I'm a published author and proud US Army veteran who happens to be a gamer, so I decided to combine the two and love every minute of it! Feel free to contact me with any questions or comments and I'll be sure to get back to you.

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