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Kerbal Space Program – Update 0.22 Notes and Trailers

Developer Squad has released Update 0.22 for Kerbal Space Program as well as two new trailers.

Below you can view the Update 0.22 video:

Here are the full update notes below:

* Career Mode:

– Career Mode is now open! Although still very much under development, you can now start new Career saves.

– Sandbox mode, of course, is also available from the start.

* Research and Development:

– Added the Research & Development Facility to the Space Center.

– R&D allows players to unlock parts (and later other stuff) by researching nodes on the Tech Tree (In Career Mode).

* Science:

– Researching requires Science, which must be earned by performing experiments during your missions.

– You can now collect surface samples while on EVA, and process them to do Science.

– Science experiments return results, which are different for each situation in which the experiment is performed.

– Experiments can (as all proper experiments must) be repeated over many different situations across the whole Solar System.

– Added a new dialog to show the results of experiments when reviewing the collected data.

– Added a new dialog to show a breakdown of all scientific progress made after recovering a mission.

* Parts:

– Added new scientific parts, like the Materials Bay and the Mystery Goo™ Canister. Also added experiments to many existing parts.

– The old science sensors now have a purpose. They all have their own experiments which enable them to log scientific data.

– The antennas are now functional, and can be used to transmit science data back to Kerbin, if recovering the physical experiments is not an option.

– Antennas consume massive amounts of power when transmitting. Make sure you have fresh batteries in.

– Added a new deployable antenna, which is an intermediate model compared to the two original ones.

– Completely remodelled the Communotron 88-88 Comms Dish. The new mesh uses the same placement rules so it won’t break ships that have it.

– Nose Cones now actually help with improving stability during atmospheric flight.

– Revised a lot of part values and descriptions, in preparation for them actually meaning something in the near future.

– Overhauled the landing legs and gears, they now have proper shock-absorbing suspensions.

* Editor:

– Added a system to allow saving and loading of Sub-Assemblies.

– Subassemblies are subsets of spacecraft, which can later be attached to other designs and re-used.

* Space Center:

– The KSC Facilities have all been revised, and feature new ground meshes and many other graphical improvements.

– Greatly improved the Island Airfield.

– Added lighting FX to several facilities. The Runway (among many other things) is now properly lit at night.

– Added a new backdrop and soundtrack for the Astronaut Complex Facility.

– Added a new music track for the R&D Facility.

* Flight:

– It is now possible to recover a flight after landing/splashdown on Kerbin without going through the Tracking Station. Look above the Altimeter.

– The SAS system was again largely overhauled, based on all the feedback we’ve gotten from everyone. It’s now stabler than ever.

* Solar System:

– Celestial Bodies now support Biome Maps, which are used to create different conditions for experiments.

– Biomes are currently implemented on Kerbin and on the Mun, more will be added on later updates.

* Launcher:

– We’ve got a new launcher application for KSP, featuring a news bulletin, patcher management, and also allows you to tweak settings from outside the game.

And you can view the new Kerbal Science video below:

And, in case you missed it, check out Kerbal’s official launch trailer here.

Kerbal Space Program is available for PC, Linux and Mac.

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