PLAYISM is proud to announce that the latest work from Cave Story’s creator, Studio Pixel, is available now on the Nintendo Switch. On top of releasing this thrilling adventure, an official Kero Blaster fan art contest has begun.
Kero Blaster is a side scrolling action shooting game now out on the Nintendo Switch.
Key Features:
- Stunning pixel graphics
- A challenging game play with different difficulty settings
- An unlockable “Zangyou mode”
- Challenging mechanics and traps
- Boss Rush mode
- Fantastic bosses at the end of every stage
Fan Art Contest
To celebrate the release of Kero Blaster, an official fan art has begun. The results will be posted to Switch Game News, so your art just might be seen by all kinds of Switch users!
How to Enter
First, follow PLAYISM on Twitter: @playismEN
Next, tweet your image of your fan art and use the hashtag #KeroBlasterFan
As long as the image is something Kero Blaster-related (character illustrations, logos, backgrounds, etc.), anything is OK! As long as each entry is different, you can enter as many times as you like, so keep those entries coming!
Winners will be selected by Kero Blaster affiliates, including the developers themselves.
The cutoff date for entries is September 6th (Thu.) at 00:00 PST
Winners will be announced on the Nintendo Switch Kero Blaster Channel on September 13th (Thu.).
Award of Excellence (10 ppl.): “Kero Rhythm” – the Kero Blaster original soundtrack. This album is chock full of tunes deemed awesome enough to be released as a proper OST!
Check Out the Kero Blaster Nintendo Switch Trailer:
Kero Blaster is now available on the Nintendo eShop.
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