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LET’S BUILD A ZOO Steam Beta Impressions

LET'S BUILD A ZOO Steam Beta Impressions

With a title that sounds like the Vince Vaugh movie of a similar name, I was excited to be able to try out the beta for Springloaded’s Let’s Build a Zoo  an engaging park building sim wrapped nicely in an attractive 16-bit aesthetic. Those of you with love for similar games in the genre such as Roller Coaster Tycoon and Jurassic Park: Evolution, read on, and enjoy some animals and antics! 

LET'S BUILD A ZOO Steam Beta Impressions

Let’s Build a Zoo, as mentioned, looks gorgeous with its 16-bit era art style, and its soothing music and easy to use gameplay menus only enhance that relaxing atmosphere and your enjoyability while playing. As with other genre titles, you can build different exhibits, facilities, and fun knick-knacks such as fountains and gift shops. The game also has a really cool worldwide map system which you use to communicate with other zoos around the world, i.e., in Australia and Russia, in order to accept offers for new species of animals, trade back and forth, and even breed different types as well.  

LET'S BUILD A ZOO Steam Beta Impressions

Interestingly enough, there is also a morality meter! Why is there a meter like this in such a cute and innocent zoo/park builder type of game? I will tell you why – because you have the option to trade animals on the black market! So if for some reason you would like to live out your dreams as an exotic animal lover and trader, there is a wholly illegal way to do so. This acts as a neat parallel to the other aforementioned examples in the genre – Rollercoaster Tycoon and Jurassic Park.

Do you build a wild roller coaster that could cause mayhem and destruction? Maybe you should build Mr. Bone’s Wild Ride! Should you, could you, would you, breed the Indomitus Rex, knowing full well someone is going to become its lunch, all for the pursuit of some big crowd attendance bucks? Do you make the most exciting zoo possible with the strangest and most exotic of animal exhibits? It is your choice to decide, and your consequences to face and accept. 

Let’s Build a Zoo was a fun experience that had me smiling the entire time through. It is one of those games that just makes you happy while playing it, and I could not recommend keeping an eye on it more as it proceeds through its beta. 

Check Out the Let’s Build A Zoo Trailer:

You can add Let’s Build A Zoo to your PC wishlist right now via Steam.

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  • Matt O'Toole

    Your local neighborhood nutjob, gamer, and teacher! I'm an avid fan of many genres such as platformers, shooters, horror, etc. I am also an avid tabletop gamer - hugely into the worlds of Warhammer and all of their spinoffs. I'm a big believer in being objective - even if something is not my cup of tea, I want to talk about it on the objective level - is it well made, crafted with love, and with care for the fans? If so, that's a good game in my book for someone and well worth their hard earned dollarydoos!

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