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LOG JAMMERS Axe Throwing Action on NES, PC, and Nintendo Switch Needs Your Support on Kickstarter

LOG JAMMERS Axe Throwing Action on NES, PC, and Nintendo Switch Needs Your Support on Kickstarter

Retro independent developer, Mega Cat Studios, needs your support for their Kickstarter campaign to fund their multi-award-winning arcade sports game, Log Jammers. The developers have made a hand-carved, wooden NES cartridge as part of our kickstarter for Log Jammers, a love letter to couch co-op, and the retro ethos they love.

LOG JAMMERS Axe Throwing Action on NES, PC, and Nintendo Switch Needs Your Support on Kickstarter

Twitch & Mixer Interactives, Razer Chroma integration, seamless online multiplayer, and character depth give the current generation PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions something to strive for.

Log Jammers has two totally separate versions.  Same rules, same speed, same characters, but built to show the evolution of gaming and leveraging the strengths of each with a timeless recipe for an arcade experience.  

Check Out the Log Jammers Trailer:

You can help support Log Jammers on Kickstarter right now, with 16 more days to go.

Related: Log Jammers Heading to PAX West 2018, Kickstarter Begins Sept. 12

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