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LoL Champions Classes: A Beginners Guide

LoL Champions Classes: A Beginners Guide
Source: Indivisible Game

Remember the days when we only had a handful of virtual avatars to choose from when playing online games? We’ve come a long way over the past couple of decades. Take League of Legends for example. The current line-up of champions stands at 163, with more heroes added every year. If you’re a seasoned player who knows what they’re looking for, this impressive array of characters is a goldmine. However, the selection can be overwhelming for first-time players. Need some pointers? The first thing you’ll want to wrap your head around is champion classes.


This is a fairly broad class. Essentially, any hero that can cast spells falls into this category. While mages can unleash physical attacks, they tend to deal very little damage. It’s those spells that really keep the enemy in place, but you’ll need sufficient mana to wield them. Think all mages are cut from the same cloth? Think again.

First up, there are artillery mages. These heroes can deliver devastating spells from a distance, without having to put themselves in the firing line. The downside? They tend to have limited defensive capabilities and come with pretty poor mobility stats. Lux and Xerath are both textbook examples of the artillery mage class, although Lux is the more mobile of the two.

Battlemages are pretty much the opposite of artillery mages. These superpowered champions are designed to do battle at close range. Their magic is strong, while their defensive abilities mean they can take plenty of punishment before having to return to base. If you want to test the waters with this class of champion, try Viktor or Ryze.

Finally, there are burst mages. They fall somewhere between artillery mages and battlemages, making them a more versatile class of champion. They’re efficient at singling out specific targets and going in for the kill. However, you’ll struggle to hold your own against a high-powered target. Instead, burst mages are best used against weaker enemies who are ripe for the picking.


If you prefer taking up a position in the vanguard, you’ll want to be playing as a hero from the fighter class. These heavy-hitting bruisers are designed for close-quarters combat, being able to give and take in equal measure. Generally speaking, fighters can secure a kill relatively easily. However, they tend to do badly with crowd control without backup.

There are a couple of main categories of heroes in the fighter class. Divers are designed for those who want to get stuck in the heat of the battle. Irelia and Olaf are both good picks here. While they lack souped-up defensive capabilities, they can unleash hell on the enemy before having to treat. Alternatively, you can choose a juggernaut fighter. While their damage capabilities are reduced, they operate like tanks on the battlefield. If you’re being sensible, you can outlast many of your comrades and enemy targets alike.


Many times, it’s the players who take a step back and assist their teammates that secure the victory. If you prefer to play a support role, you should probably think about exploring the controller class. Controllers are one of the more versatile picks in League of Legends. They come with varied abilities that make them the go-to for healing, crowd control, and more.

If you’re looking for a hero that can handle crowd control, consider the catcher class of champions. While they lack any real healing or defensive capabilities, they do boast long-range abilities that make them the go-to for targeting enemies from afar. One of the best catchers you can currently pick is Morgana. As well as impressive offensive abilities, Morgana can also defend thanks to a reliable shielding ability. You also have enchanters. While they’re not ideal for handling crowds of enemies, they’re effective at supporting more aggressive champions as they go in for the kill.


Slayers are arguably the most dangerous champions in League of Legends. When it comes to mobility and damage potential no other class comes close. Within this category, you have assassins and skirmishers.

If you value stealth, go with an assassin champion like Talon. Once you’ve dealt the killing blow, you can quickly sneak away from a skirmish without taking a hit yourself. Not afraid of going toe-to-toe with the enemy? Go with a skirmisher. While these champions don’t do well when pitted against multiple enemies, they often emerge victorious in one-on-one scenarios.


If you prefer to keep your distance, the marksmen class is the one for you. There aren’t any subclasses to worry about here. You get exactly what you’d expect. While marksmen can deal significant damage from afar, you will have to make some significant compromises. Marksmen aren’t particularly durable, while their mobility stats are some of the worst in the game. However, none of this is a problem if you avoid a skirmish.


Now it’s time to talk about tanks. These champions are killing machines, designed to lead the charge into battle. They can handle extreme punishment, even if met with an onslaught by a burst mage. They’re also the best choice for dispersing crowds. There are two subclasses of tanks, with vanguards being the most durable. Wardens are the second class, offering more mobility and better defensive capabilities. If you’ve been following the action at, you’ve probably noticed that professional players turn to the same champions, time and again. Wukong remains one of the most-picked champions of all time and for good reason. Combining the best elements of a fighter and tank, the Warrior Trickster is one hero you’ll want on your side.

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I'm a published author and proud US Army veteran who happens to be a gamer, so I decided to combine the two and love every minute of it! Feel free to contact me with any questions or comments and I'll be sure to get back to you.

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