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MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM BATTLE OPERATION Code Fairy Vol. 1 Review for PlayStation

As usual, wars continue to wage across the world and these complicated problems require heavy duty solutions. This is where the Gundam suits come in; large mechanical suits controlled by a human pilot within the cockpit. Strong, dangerous, and essential for new age battles, destruction has never looked so easy. Now if only, these suits could be more agile and not overheat so quickly, maybe the war can finally end.   

Developed by B.B Studio Co. Ltd and published by Namco Bandai Games America Inc., Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation Code Fairy is based off of the popular Japanese Gundam Franchise. Players will not need to be fully experienced with the Gundam series, the history, or what caused the war to play this game. However, knowing some of Gundam’s background would help give better context and appreciation within this animated action RPG. 

MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM BATTLE OPERATION Code Fairy Vol. 1 Review for PlayStation

The first half of the game is mostly dedicated to introductions and multiple tutorials on how to pilot, fight, and work in teams. Here you will also see the protagonist of the game being welcomed into the Noisy Fairy. This secret Gundam team is based in North America and entirely comprised of talented women. If you are familiar with anime, then it’s easy to recognize how each character embodies an anime stereotype. There is the cute nerdy girl, the airhead, a tough tomboy, the stoic one, and the perfect, mature one. The story of the game is more focused on learning how to fight and prove their team’s worth, so not much character development can be seen in the first two volumes. Because of this, the emotional connection between the player and the characters is lacking and it can be difficult to feel invested enough to keep following the storyline.

MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM BATTLE OPERATION Code Fairy Vol. 1 Review for PlayStation

The many tutorials cannot be skipped and are necessary to learn how to pilot the large mech suits that the Noisy Fairy Team fight with. They are not easy to control, clunky, and have to be carefully utilized as every action gets the Gundam a bit closer to overheating. Even the weapons need to have a cool down period which is understandable for large missile shooting guns, but odd that a sword would need one too. The most effective offense is to keep shooting and hiding behind large buildings or rocks before finding another opening, shoot, hide, and repeat.  

Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation Code Fairy is a game suited for players who love Gundam, giant fighting robots, and cute anime girls. The gameplay is a bit frustrating and slow and is more similar to just watching an anime with sections of playable content. The 2D animation style is cute and fun to watch, however the 3D render of the suits and environment at times look unfinished. It really leads the mind to wonder if this was the intended completed product, or if this was the start of something more, just rushed at the end.  

PROS: Fun anime style. 

CONS: Font of the game is too small, game mechanics are awkward, flat characters, and the game has a rather high cost for the content/gameplay it provides.  

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