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PAX South 2018 Impressions: The Messenger

PAX South 2018 Impressions: The Messenger

The Messenger is a truly new and unique spin on the classic action-adventure platformers like Metroid and Castlevania. The players will take control of a young untrained ninja when everyone he knows in his village is murdered by demonic forces. The young ninja sets out on a quest to put an end to the demonic forces once and for all.

The story is filled with a self-aware, almost satirical take on the genre and video games itself. For example, it is impossible to die in the game. Instead, a cute little demon appears when you’re out of health and transports you back to the nearest checkpoint. This isn’t the first time a game has done something like this, however, the enemies are respawned and the player becomes indebted to the demon for helping them out. The player must collect power orbs to repay the demon to make him go away. The dialogue is chock full of slapstick humor, and made me laugh out loud a few times during my playthrough.

As the game progresses, players will unlock new abilities like a grappling hook and a wing suit.  The most interesting thing the folks at Sabotage Studios are putting in the The Messenger is the ability to manipulate the game world. The game features a time travel mechanic that changes the game world from an NES era title to a SNES title. Everything changes within the game world including the quality of graphics as well as the audio quality. These changes aren’t just cosmetic, however, they are necessary for the games replay ability. Switching back and forth will mean certain skills are available and certain paths are open/closed.

The game is set to release on PC and all major consoles in late 2018.

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Related: An Epic Generation-Leaping Ninja Themed Action Platformer THE MESSENGER Launching in 2018


  • Matthew Davis

    I am a native Texan and a U. S. veteran. I am currently attending Texas State University for computer information systems. I love BBQ and rock 'n' roll.

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