Check out the After Us Gameplay Trailer:
Piccolo Studio and Private Division will be releasing After Us, a heartfelt adventure platformer, on May 23, 2023, on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S.
After Us brings Piccolo Studio’s signature style of emotional storytelling and combines it with exploration through a surrealistic world. Players take on the role of Gaia, the Spirit of Life, as she must jump, glide, dash, wallride, and swim to evade deadly obstacles and enemies. By emitting bursts of light, Gaia sparks new plant growth revealing new paths for traversal. With over 100 animal spirits to save and plenty of secrets to discover, this unique game should be on players’ radars and comes out later this month.
After Us is rated T for Teen by the ESRB. For more information on After Us, subscribe on YouTube, follow us on Twitter, become a fan on Facebook, follow on Instagram, and visit
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