Here are the PlayStation new releases for the week of April 28:
- Active Neurons — PS4, PS Vita — Digital (Out Apr. 29)
- Arcade Spirits – PS4 — Digital, Retail (Out May 1)
- Book of Demons – PS4 — Digital (Out Apr. 30)
- Daymare: 1998 – PS4 — Digital
- Down the Rabbit Hole – PS VR — Digital (Out May 1)
- Dread Nautical – PS4 — Digital (Out Apr. 29)
- Gun Crazy – PS4 — Digital
- The Inner Friend – PS4 — Digital
- Jigsaw Abundance – PS4 — Digital
- Moving Out – PS4 — Digital, Retail
- Sakura Wars – PS4 — Digital, Retail
- Snowrunner – PS4 — Digital, Retail
- Streets of Rage 4 – PS4 — Digital (Out Apr. 30)
- Telling Lies – PS4 — Digital
Related: PlayStation New Releases for Week of April 21, 2020
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