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Remnants of Isolation Launches May 1st on Steam

Publisher Degica and Team Isolation’s grand prize winning Remnants of Isolation, which took home the big Indie Game Maker award in 2014, is finally ready for its official debut! Remnants of Isolation is a traditional JRPG which turns the idea of magic on its head. In a world where magic is a curse, a plague, and those who can use it are cast into a castle locked in another dimension, two young magic users will attempt to find freedom in a world that seeks to destroy them.

Remnants of Isolation Launches May 1st on Steam

Remnants of Isolation features a unique spell fusion system that makes combat dynamic, and rewards experimentation with a charging mana system that rewards tactical timing. With multiple endings and memorable characters, Remnants of Isolation will leave you breathless.

This release of Remnants of Isolation features massive improvements to the graphics, sound, and music over their award winning contest entry nine months ago. New backstory has also been added to give better insight into the castle and its inhabitant.


  • A simple, but deep Spell Fusion system that allows for lots of experimentation.
  • A heavy atmosphere made from a somber soundtrack, terrifying enemies, and a powerful tale.
  • Simple puzzles that rely on each character’s field abilities.
  • A variety of locations to explore.
  • A twist on traditional turn-based combat via MP charging.
  • Discover the tragic stories of the castle’s inhabitants by piecing together bits of information found throughout the adventure.
  • 3 different endings affected by your actions.

Take a look at the Remnants of Isolation trailer:

Remnants of Isolation releases May 1st for PC on Steam.

Source: Press Release

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I'm a published author and proud US Army veteran who happens to be a gamer, so I decided to combine the two and love every minute of it! Feel free to contact me with any questions or comments and I'll be sure to get back to you.

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