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Retron 5 Supports Nintendo, Famicom, SNES, Genesis, and Game Boy Advance

Hyperkin revealed RetroN 5 with the addition of another cartridge slot for Japanese Famicom games (which have 60 pin connectors vs. the NES’s 72 pin).

The console supports the following:

  • Nintendo
  • Famicom
  • SNES
  • Genesis (plus Mega Drive), and 
  • Game Boy Advance (with Game Boy/Color support), 

It supports the above devices all over HDMI, with controller ports for NES, SNES, and Genesis controllers, as well as its own wireless Bluetooth controllers. In addition, there are plans in the works to make the controllers re-mappable and usable cross-platform.

Old games can be upscaled  to HDMI with special image processing to make them look good on HD screens. The console also supports save states just like emulators do, with an SD card slot to store saves. In addition, you can speed up gameplay and remap the Bluetooth controller buttons to control these features.

Hyperkin is hoping to release the console around July for less than $100.

Are you looking forward to testing out the new console?

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