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SEA OF SOLITUDE is Newest EA Originals Title

SEA OF SOLITUDE is Newest EA Originals Title

Last June,  EA announced their EA Originals program to bring truly special new games from small developers to millions of players worldwide.  Today, they are pleased to introduce their second EA Originals title – Sea of Solitude. It is developed by Cornelia Geppert and her passionate team at Jo-Mei Games in Berlin, Germany.

In writer and creative director Cornelia Geppert’s own words:

Sea of Solitude is by far the most artistic and personal project I’ve ever created. At times it is very challenging to dig that deep into your own feelings like core fears, longing and anger, but at the same time it is the most fulfilling thing to express those very feelings by putting it to people through art.”

SEA OF SOLITUDE is Newest EA Originals Title

EA Originals isworking with Cornelia and her team at Jo-Mei throughout the process of developing, publishing and bringing this incredibly creative story to all of you.

SEA OF SOLITUDE is Newest EA Originals Title

More information to come. Mean while, you can visit the official website.

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