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Shoot Many Robots Free for Xbox Live Gold Members

Ubisoft and Demiurge’s Shoot Many Robots is now free for Xbox Live Gold members.

shoot many robots free


Below is the Shoot Many Robots game description:

Shoot Many Robots is a 4-player co-op run-n’-gun action game starring robot slayer and gun aficionado, P. Walter Tugnut. From a gun that shoots garden gnome missiles to a tutu that boosts speed and damage, there are hundreds of crazy guns and gear to unlock that boost Walter’s stats – not to mention, make him look pretty. You and three friends can team up to exterminate a zillion robots while progressing through tons of missions, facing uncomfortably epic bosses, and leveling up along the way.

You can download Shoot Many Robots right now for free if you are an Xbox Live Gold member, or for $9.99 if you are not.

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