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SimCity – No Game Refund if Purchased thru Origin

If you’ve paid $60 for the SimCity game and are extremely frustrated with your inability to play due to server and other issues, you are not along. However, if you purchased the game through Origin and are looking for a refund, you are not going to get one any time soon, if ever.

Origin policy states that there will be no refunds given for digital purchases unless there are “special mitigating circumstances.” These mitigating circumstances, according to EA, do not include the game’s servers not working properly and preventing you, through no fault of your own, from playing. You might be able to get a refund only if you realized after purchase that your PC does not meet SimCity’s minimum system requirements.

Meanwhile, SimCity seems to be working furiously to resolve its server issues and has issued its latest Tweet:

Good news, Mayors — we just added a brand new #SimCity server: Europe East 3. Hop on and start building.
— SimCity (@simcity) March 8, 2013

Have you tried to get a refund and were turned down? Let us know by commenting below.

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