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SPECTRUM Review for Xbox One

SPECTRUM Review for Xbox One

Intense, face-paced, and unforgiving: these are only some of the words used to describe Digerati’s new platform game for Xbox One: Spectrum. While flying through levels trying to collect orbs, avoid colored blocks, and meet specific time goals, players can’t help but feel energized. You may repeat levels numerous times and scream out in frustration or perhaps speed run through the entire game in one try but no matter your play style I guarantee at the end of this game players will feel as if they’ve conquered the world.

SPECTRUM Review for Xbox One

Spectrum takes a retro twist on platform gaming. With the futuristic graphics and upbeat music, Spectrum offers a truly stimulating experience as players race to the finish and attempt to beat the clock. I felt a rush of adrenaline as I tried to capture every orb and avoid lethal obstacles. While traveling through the unique levels I found myself both entertained and frustrated which is expected for a game of this nature.

SPECTRUM Review for Xbox One

Because each level was intricately designed, players are constantly being challenged. In a platform game this is not only something expected but also something desired. I noticed, there is an exceptional amount of critical thinking required while playing Spectrum which is what makes the game so challenging. There were many instances I found myself frustrated by the intensity of the game which made the reward for completing a level so much sweeter. After beating what seemed like an impossible level I felt like I could conquer even the most difficult tasks.

SPECTRUM Review for Xbox One

While I would not say Spectrum is a game you would sit down and play for hours, I can say with confidence it is a game you will play to pass a little time or test your wits. It is also an excellent game to play with friends due to its competitive nature. This ability to challenge one another is absolutely thrilling but watch out for the agitation Spectrum may cause!

The controls, graphics, and concept of Spectrum is designed to be simplistic which is what makes it so enjoyable and easy to understand. Once a player gets in the rhythm it becomes hard to change their movements however the minimalistic controls allow players to quickly adapt to these changing conditions. The simple controls allow players to focus more on conquering the level rather than looking at the controller for assurance. This is convenient when encountering side-scrolling levels which are fast-paced.

SPECTRUM Review for Xbox One

I would recommend Spectrum to players who have confidence and patience. If you are willing to endure the challenge, pick up your controller and get ready for the ride of your life because Spectrum is unforgiving.

Score: 7.7/10

Check Out the Spectrum Trailer:


About The Author

Xbox One Review
  • 7.7/10
    Overall Score - 7.7/10/10
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