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Star Wars: The Old Republic – The Old Republic Insider – April 2013 Video

A new Star Wars: The Old Republic video has been released showcasing its new Cartel Market items and an inside look at some of the great new customization features that are coming soon.

The new features will be:

  • New Eradicator War Suit Later in the month 
  • The latest Trooper set characterization will be released 
  • New Vice Commandant Contraband Pack, which will have all new gear, pets and vehicles. 
  • Next month SWTOR will be introducing the Appearance Designer Kiosk, which will allow you to change the eye and hair color, body type and even the species, including the new Cathar. 
  • Players will have the ability to re-color their armor sets.

You can view the official tweet and trailer below:

Watch the latest Insider Video to see new Cartel Market items and upcoming new customization features:
— The Old Republic (@SWTOR) April 26, 2013

Are you excited about the new updates that are being added to the game?

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