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Star Wars: The Old Republic Update 2.8 Notes

BioWare has released Update 2.8 for Star Wars: The Old Republic.

Star Wars: The Old Repubic Update 2.8 Notes 

Take a look at the full SWTOR Update 2.8 notes below:

Game Update 2.8: Spoils Of War

Soovada (“Spoils of War” in Huttese) is an annual celebration of total extravagance in Hutt culture, originally celebrated in the summer season of Varl after successful military campaigns. Rival clans compete to prove their superior wealth, attempting to sponsor the most parties, pit fights, bounties, gambling, and every other public display of fortune and excess imaginable.

Popularized among outside cultures during visits to Nar Shaddaa, this exuberant holiday is now celebrated on hundreds of worlds across the galaxy, where it’s simply known by its Huttese name; any connection to ancient wartime looting is largely ignored.


New Event: Spoils of War! Players can earn double Ranked Warzone Commendations, Warzone Commendations, Fleet Requisition, and Credits from PvP participation, and can try their hand at the slot machines on Nar Shaddaa for exclusive rewards during the Nar Shaddaa Nightlife celebration.

  • Earn double Fleet Requisition and Credits in Galactic Starfighter battles from Game Update 2.8 to 2.8.1.
  • Earn double Ranked Warzone and Warzone Commendations and Credits from 2.8.1 to 2.8.2.
  • Keep an eye out for intriguing advertisements for the Club Vertica and Star Cluster casinos for more information on the Nar Shaddaa Nightlife celebration!
  • Earn Golden Certificates from Smuggler’s Luck and Kingpin’s Bounty machines and redeem them for prizes.
  • Earn exclusive mount prizes directly from Kingpin’s Bounty machines.
  • Smuggler’s Casino Chips can be purchased with Credits or Warzone Commendations.
  • Kingpin’s Casino Chips can be purchased with Credits or Cartel Market Certificates, or won from Smuggler’s Luck slot machines.


Nightmare Mode: Dread Palace is now available! Return to Oricon to face off against Dread Masters Bestia, Tyrans, Calphayrus, and Raptus, who are now more powerful than ever before! Defeat this new difficulty while Nightmare Power is active to earn a new title!

Group Finder Operations have been redesigned! Story Mode Operations are now more accessible to endgame players (levels 50 – 55). The Operations section in the Group Finder window will list available Operations on a predetermined schedule, rotating in different Operations every few days. Players who meet the level requirement of the Operation will be Bolstered, removing the requirement for endgame gear. Rewards have also been improved, making this a great opportunity for players to earn Ultimate Commendations and experience new content!

Bounty Contract Week Returns! The event runs from June 10th 12:00 GMT to June 17th 12:00 GMT.

Progress faster with double XP week! Get twice the experience from July 1st 07:00 GMT to July 8th 07:00 GMT.

The Gray Secant has returned from its travels! Participate in the Relics of the Gree event from July 22nd 12:00 GMT to July 29th 12:00 GMT.


  • Added Shadow Map options to the Preferences graphics tab:
    • Shadow Map Cascades: Increases the number of shadow maps used by the shadow system. Increasing this will improve quality but reduce performance.
    • Shadow Map Resolution: Increases the effective resolution of the shadows. Applies to interior and exterior shadows. Increasing this will improve quality but reduce performance.
  • Removed 6 Location and 1 Bestiary Codex entries that were erroneous and not obtainable through gameplay.
  • Corrected an error that caused /say messages to not send as expected.
  • System Messages are now able to have their location moved with the Interface Editor.

Cartel Market

  • New Nightlife Pack now available: The Star Cluster Nightlife Pack! Cost: 320 Cartel Coins.
  • Hypercrates containing 24 Star Cluster Nightlife Packs are now available! Cost: 6912 Cartel Coins (Discounted 10% for a limited time!)
  • The Star Cluster Nightlife Pack items can now be previewed in Collections.
  • Several Pets and Emotes from the Hotshot’s Starfighter Pack are now in Collections as intended.
  • Moods now have a description indicating which slash command they unlock (ex: /goofy).
  • The item “Holographic Disguise” now indicates in its tooltip that the effect will break when performing any action besides moving.

Classes + Combat


  • Fixed an issue that would occasionally allow abilities to affect targets, even if those targets had a 100% or greater chance to defend against attacks.

Jedi Knight



  • Merciless Slash now deals more damage and costs 4 Focus.
  • Dispatch and Merciless Slash now have a 25/50/75 percent chance and Slash now has a 15/30/45 percent chance to trigger Mind Sear, which finishes the active cooldown of Cauterize.
  • Inexhaustible Zeal now also makes the Damager Over Time effects from Cauterize and Overload Saber uncleansable.
  • Overload Saber now requires Juyo Form to be active.
  • Plasma Blade now increases the damage dealt by burning effects by 7/14/21 percent (up from 2/4/6 percent).



  • Focused Defense now lasts a maximum of 10 seconds (down from 40).

Sith Warrior




  • Annihilate now deals more damage and costs 4 Rage.
  • Vicious Throw and Annihilate now have a 25/50/75 percent chance and Vicious Slash now have a 15/30/45 percent chance to trigger Pulverize, which finishes the active cooldown of Rupture.
  • Indefatigable Onslaught now also makes the Damager Over Time effects from Rupture and Deadly Saber uncleansable.
  • Deadly Saber now requires Juyo Form to be active.
  • Hemorrhage now increases the damage dealt by burning effects by 7/14/21 percent (up from 2/4/6 percent).


  • Enraged Defense now lasts a maximum of 10 seconds (down from 40).

Jedi Consular



Balance (Sage)

  • Sever Force now deals slightly more damage.
  • Telekinetic Focal Point now grants a 9% per stack bonus to the damage of Rippling Force.
  • Mental Scarring now increases the damage done by Telekinetic Throw to targets affected by the player’s Sever Force by 8.3/16.67/25 percent.
  • Containment now reduces the activation time of Force Lift by 0.5/1.0 second (up from 0.25/0.5).


  • Shadow’s Training now decreases the activation time of Force Lift by 1 second in addition to its other effects.
  • Mass Mind Control now taunts NPCs when Combat Technique is active, and lowers threat when Combat Technique is not active.
  • Reduced the activation time of Phase Walk to 0.5 seconds (down from 1.5 seconds) and increased the maximum duration to 5 minutes (up from 2 minutes).
  • Combat Technique, Force Technique, and Shadow Technique no longer require 100 Force to activate, and instead use all available Force regardless of amount.
  • Force Technique’s Force Breach now deals slightly more damage.


Balance (Shadow)

  • Sever Force now deals slightly more damage.
  • Mind Warp now increases the damage of Mind Crush by 16.5/33 percent instead of extending its duration.
  • Sever Force now also triggers the damage and Force regeneration of Rippling Force.
  • Containment now lowers the activation time of Force Lift by 0.5/1.0 second while Force Technique is active.
  • Mental Defense now enables Mass Mind Control to grant a 15/30 percent reduction in damage taken by 6 seconds.
  • Force Strike now has a 100% chance to activate on melee attacks (up from 60%).
  • Crush Spirit now grants a 15/30 percent chance for periodic damage over time effects to trigger Crush Spirit, which finishes the cooldown of Spinning Strike and makes your next Spinning Strike usable on a target of any health level.

Sith Inquisitor

  • Guard damage no longer cancels the effects of Whirlwind.



Madness (Sorcerer)

  • Creeping Terror now deals slightly more damage.
  • Focal Lightning now grants a 9% per stack bonus to the damage of Lightning Burns.
  • Creeping Death now increases the damage done by Force Lightning to targets affected by the player’s Creeping Terror by 8.3/16.67/25 percent.
  • Haunted Dreams now reduces the activation time of Whirlwind by 0.5/1.0 second (up from 0.25/0.5).


  • Assassin’s Training now decreases the activation time of Whirlwind by 1 second in addition to its other effects.
  • Mass Mind Control now taunts NPCs when Dark Charge is active, and lowers threat when Dark Charge is not active.
  • Reduced the activation time of Phase Walk to 0.5 seconds (down from 1.5 seconds) and increased the maximum duration to 5 minutes (up from 2 minutes).
  • Lightning Charge, Dark Charge, and Surging Charge no longer require 100 Force to activate, and instead use all available Force regardless of amount.
  • Lighting Charge’s Lightning Discharge now deals slightly more damage.


Madness (Assassin)

  • Creeping Terror now deals slightly more damage.
  • Lingering Nightmares now increases the damage of Crushing Darkness by 16.5/33 percent instead of extending its duration.
  • Creeping Terror now also triggers the damage and Force regeneration of Lightning Burns.
  • Haunted Dreams now lowers the activation time of Force Lift by 0.5/1.0 second while Lightning Charge is active.
  • Shapeless Spirit now enables Mass Mind Control to grant a 15/30 percent reduction in damage taken by 6 seconds.
  • Raze now has a 100% chance to activate on melee attacks (up from 60%).
  • Bloodletting now grants a 15/30 percent chance for periodic damage over time effects to trigger Bloodletting, which finishes the cooldown of Assassinate and makes your next Assassinate usable on a target of any health level.





  • K.O. now allows Shoot First to interrupt the target.
  • Slippery Devil now offers a 15/30 percent reduction in area of effect damage in addition to its other bonuses.
  • Surprise Comeback now grants a 10/20 percent reduction in damage received while Stim Boost is active in addition to its healing effects.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Surprise Comeback from healing a fifth time.

Imperial Agent




  • Jarring Strike now allows Hidden Strike to interrupt the target.
  • Shadow Operative Elite now offers a 15/30 percent reduction in area of effect damage in addition to its other bonuses.
  • Revitalizers now grants a 10/20 percent reduction in damage received while Stim Boost is active in addition to its healing effects.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Revitalizers from healing a fifth time.



  • Tech Override now grants 6 seconds of interrupt and pushback immunity after it has been used to activate an ability immediately. For Commandos with Overclock, the immunity is triggered after the second use.



Shield Specialist

  • Shield Cycler now also regenerates Energy Cells when an attack is defended against in addition to shielding.
  • Static Shield now has a chance to finish the cooldown on Stock Strike when an attack is defended against in addition to shielding.


Assault Specialist (Vanguard)

  • Riot Augs now increases the damage of periodic elemental damage by 35% in addition to its other effects.
  • Rapid Recharge has been replaced by Critical Recharge. Critical Recharge increases Critical Hit chance by 1/2 percent, and reduces the cooldown of Recharge Cells and Reserve Powercell by 15/30 seconds.

Bounty Hunter


  • Power Surge now grants 6 seconds of interrupt and pushback immunity after it has been used to activate an ability immediately. For Mercenaries with Power Overrides, the immunity is triggered after the second use.


Pyrotech (Mercenary)

  • Superheated Rails no longer gets damage from both Primary Hand and Off-hand Rail Shot attacks.



Shield Tech

  • Shield Vents now also vents Heat when an attack is defended against in addition to shielding.
  • Rapid Venting now has a chance to finish the cooldown on Rocket Punch when an attack is defended against in addition to shielding.

Pyrotech (Powertech)

  • Power Bracer now increases the damage of periodic elemental damage by 35% in addition to its other effects.
  • Rapid Venting has been replaced by Critical Venting. Critical Venting increases Critical Hit chance by 1/2 percent, and reduces the cooldown of Vent Heat and Thermal Sensor by 15/30 seconds.

Flashpoints + Operations

  • The effect of Nightmare Power has been removed from Nightmare Dread Fortress, and the “Conqueror of the Dread Fortress” Title can no longer be obtained. Congratulations to those who overcame this challenge!
  • Nightmare Mode is now available for the Dread Palace Operation.
  • Dread Master Brontes and the Dread Council now drop a Dread Guard Cranial Scan for each member of the Operation.
  • Players who are defeated in an Operation now have the option to spawn inside of the instance when all other players in the group are out of combat.
  • Players accessing Operations through Group Finder will now be Bolstered to an appropriate gear rating while inside the Operation. This Bolster effect will also provide increased incoming healing and increased shield chance and shield absorb.
  • Operations in Group Finder will now group players for the 16-Player Story Mode version of the Operation.
  • The Operation category of the Group Finder now rotates through a different available Operation every 2 or 3 days. The currently available Operation, the time remaining and the next available Operation can be accessed through the Group Finder panel.
  • Dread Fortress and Dread Palace have been added to the Operation rotation.
  • Mass Manipulator Generators no longer drop from every boss in Hard Mode Dread Fortress, and now only drop from Dread Master Brontes as intended.
  • Enemies outside of boss encounters in the Dread Palace now correctly follow players when engaged in combat.
  • Added additional gating to the Dread Fortress to block access to unintended areas of the map.
  • The Sovereignty buff players receive after claiming a Dread Master’s throne is now properly dispelled when leaving the Dread Palace.
  • Rewards for completing content via the Group Finder have been improved!
    • Operations:
      • Upgraded to 30 Ultimate Commendations at Level 55.
      • Upgraded to 25 Elite Commendations between Levels 50-54.
    • Hard Mode Level 55 Flashpoints:
      • Upgraded to 10 Ultimate Commendations.
    • Tactical 55 Flashpoints:
      • Upgraded to 10 Elite Commendations.

Galactic Starfighter


  • Spawn locations are now chosen randomly for players by default. Players can override this from the Map screen by manually selecting a spawn location.

Ships + Hangar

  • A new Gunship variant has been added! The SGS-S1 Condor (Republic) and the GSS-4Y Jurgoran (Empire) are now available via Fleet Requisition. These Skirmisher Gunships are a more up-close-and-personal Gunship with a Railgun and Missile-focused loadout, including an option for the new Interdiction Missile.
  • A new Bomber variant has been added! The Sledgehammer (Republic) and the B-5 Decimus (Empire) are now available via Fleet Requisition. These Assault Bombers are heavily armored Bombers that are best in the thick of the battle, and are able to deploy Drones or Mines for maximum effectiveness.

Components + Crew

  • Interdiction Mine damage has been increased, but no longer has Shield Piercing.
  • Feedback Shield’s damage has been increased and now correctly activates off of Primary Weapon attacks.
  • Fortress Shield now increases shield strength by 130%.
  • Mine area of effect now obeys line of sight.

Items + Economy

  • Serendipitous Assault, Focused Retribution, and Devastating Vengeance Relics no longer activate from both dealing damage and healing within the same rate limit.
  • Scrap Peddler Lockbox has been added to the PvP Items vendor on the Republic and Imperial Fleets for 600 Warzone Commendations. This Lockbox gives a random Jawa Scrap item that can be exchanged at the Scrap Peddlers in the Cartel Bazaar.
  • Master Hunter’s Headgear has been given voice modulation.
  • The Imperial version of the Battlemaster Force-Mystic’s Headgear has been given a more appropriate voice modulation.
  • The inventory of Fleet Commendation vendors has been updated:
    • All PvE Starship Upgrades have been moved to the Starship Upgrade vendor.
    • The Pilot Suits sold by this vendor no longer have Social Level requirements.
    • Reduced the cost of the Legacy Item Kits sold by this vendor.
    • Merged Grade 6/7/8 crafting Lockboxes into a single “Level 50” crafting Lockbox containing 3 random types of crafting materials.
    • Removed Level 50 Premium and Prototype Equipment Lockboxes.
    • Reduced the cost of the Level 50 Artifact equipment Lockbox.
    • Added a new Lockbox that contains a Rating 144 Prototype Item Modification, identical to the one purchased from the Makeb Planetary Commendation vendor.
    • Added a new Lockbox that contains a Rating 140 Item Modification, identical to the one purchased from the Makeb Planetary Commendation vendor. This Lockbox is weighted so that it is more likely to contain Modifications appropriate to your class.
    • Added a new Level 55 Crafting Lockbox that contains 3 random types of Grade 9 or 10 crafting materials.

Missions + NPCs

  • Slicing Missions now grant the correct grade of Lockbox.
  • The Starship Upgrade vendors S-1A0 (Empire) and S-4S0 (Republic) have been changed to Fleet Commendation vendors.
  • The Galactic Starfighter Daily Mission now additionally rewards 40 Fleet Commendations.
  • The Galactic Starfighter Weekly Mission now additionally rewards 90 Fleet Commendations.
  • The French voiceover for Darth Arkous in Assault on Tython and Korriban Incursion has been updated.


  • The Acid Trap Burn effect from the Toxic Sludge in Quesh Huttball Pit is now applied faster, and is no longer avoidable by using abilities that increase the player’s speed.

Related: Star Wars: The Old Republic New Coruscant Skyrise Apartment Video

Source: SWTOR

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I'm a published author and proud US Army veteran who happens to be a gamer, so I decided to combine the two and love every minute of it! Feel free to contact me with any questions or comments and I'll be sure to get back to you.

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