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STARS IN SHADOW Space Strategy Game Releases on Steam Early Access Early Sep.

STARS IN SHADOW Space Strategy Game Releases on Steam Early Access Early Sep.

Distinctive Comic Style Sci-Fi 4x Strategy PC Title to be Shown at Gamescom 2016 Before Next Month’s Early Access Release

Haarlem, The Netherlands – August 11, 2016 – Iceberg Interactive, the publisher well-known for its love of sci-fi games and 4x strategy titles, today announces that their brand new PC space strategy game, Stars in Shadow (PC) will be launching on September 15, 2016 via Steam Early Access and other digital platforms. The game marks the first title for the Canadian development studio, Ashdar Games, and long-time fans of the popular 4x genre will not be disappointed.

Stars in Shadow is a turn-based 4x strategy game set deep in space featuring seven playable factions, comprised of six different alien races. Offered in a highly distinctive comic-book art style, Stars in Shadow draws players into its galactic universe with an immersive backstory. By competing with alien factions, exploring nearby star systems, developing colonies and empires, and much more, the galaxy can be unified through either diplomacy or by force – the choice will be left entirely up to the player.


Stars in Shadow Key Features:

  • Unique hand-drawn comic book art style
  • Turn based 4X space strategy featuring turn based fleet combat. The tactical system allows starships to do battle using a wide range of different weapons and abilities
  • Seven playable factions comprising six alien races. Choice of faction will determine tech and research opportunities initially available. Forming alliances, conquering neighboring species, or discovering ancient artifacts may open up additional avenues of research
  • A vast range of different planet types, each with their own lore. The most prized worlds are those that hold artifacts from civilizations that vanished long ago. Map sizes up to 85 star systems. Each star can have up to 10 planets
  • Manage a growing empire. Balance the competing priorities of research, growth, and ship building and decide the fate of those alien species that come under your control
  • Galactic Politics: Of the playable alien species, three are “young races”, reaching out into the galaxy for the first time. The remaining three are “old races”, survivors of a terrible war fought in the distant past, they still hold to their ancient grudges. Races will impact which world will be most suitable as well as alliances and trades offerings
  • Advanced settings such as Random events and NPC factions, including pirates and marauders


Here is the Stars in Shadow preview video:

For more information on Stars in Shadow, please visit the official website at

Related: Space 4X Game STARS IN SHADOW Launches on Steam Greenlight

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