Daedalic Entertainment Studio West introduces the first characters of their space-exploration RPG This year’s PAX East in Boston will be...
Daedalic Entertainment and Forgotten Key reveal new gameplay trailer from their “explore by bird” game, and will be live...
Daedalic Entertainment and FAKT Software launched the application form for the closed beta test phase The closed beta application phase...
The Puzzle-Adventure by Teku Studios with its unique art style comes to the GDC Daedalic Entertainment presents the colorful Puzzle-Adventure...
Hamburg - Huzzah, Daedalic Entertainment has released Deponia Doomsday as a digital download for PC, Mac and Linux (Steam) at a price of...
Hamburg, February 26th, 2016 - Huzzah, here we go again! Daedalic Entertainment continues the most successful German adventure series of...
Hamburg – Daedalic Entertainment and Funatics have announced that the first DLC for Valhalla Hills is now available. The Vikings are heading to the desert in...
Update builds on the player and press feedback of five months in Early Access, introducing a bunch of new features...