Situating players well below the ocean’s surface and posing a multiplicity of crises for players to rectify, Daedelic Entertainment’s new...
Survive alien monsters, environmental disasters, traitors from within and total undersea chaos for up to 16 players deep below the...
Acclaimed German studio gains worldwide licensing rights for The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R Tolkien HAMBURG, Germany/BERKELEY, Calif. – Daedalic Entertainment today...
The fourth major installment in the Deponia series by Daedalic Entertainment, Deponia Doomsday continues the journey of Rufus and his...
Play nearly a dozen upcoming titles – including Iratus: Lord of the Dead, Unrailed!, Felix The Reaper, Barotrauma, and more...
The final installment in the popular point-and-click adventure series finally arrives on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One HAMBURG, Germany – Today...
Play the upcoming rogue-like multiplayer game for the first time ever at DreamHack Leipzig's Indie Arena Booth from Feb. 15-17 HAMBURG, Germany – Delayed...