Scarlet Hood and the Wicked Wood, developed by Devespresso Games and published by Headup, combines adventure, and interactive fiction through the layout of...
Devespresso Games Publisher Headup and the developer of popular "The Coma" series, Devespresso Games, have announced the new official release date for Scarlet...
Horror games have never been something I sought out when looking for the next game to play. Not that I...
Atmospheric Survival Horror-Adventure Returns Publisher Chorus Worldwide Games and developer Devespresso Games are pleased to announce that the award winning...
Horror games need to work hard to stand out from the rest. You can only find so many ways to... Explore and Survive the Nightmarish Korean Shadow Realm in this Story-driven Horror Adventure Critically acclaimed Korean survival-horror adventure, The...
The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters, the critically acclaimed Korean survival-horror adventure, is set to make its console debut this May... Headup and Devespresso Games are pleased to announce the full release of The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters, an atmospheric, story-driven Korean survival horror...