Super Mario Bros is a known platformer for years and a lot of platformer games were inspired and provided some...
Devolver Digital
As we all know, the foundation of our society revolves around the single most important sport ever conceived: Cricket. As...
The countdown has begun. During the Women-Led Games Showcase, Nerial’s Tamara Alliot revealed that Reigns: Beyond, the exciting intergalactic extension...
Phantom Abyss, by developer Team WIBY and publisher Devolver digital, is an asynchronous multiplayer game where you are tasked with...
Reigns: Three Kingdoms, by developer Nerial and publisher Devolver Digital, feels like an experiment. This is an odd thing to...
Malevolent AI mastermind SHODAN famously has no love for pathetic, fleshy humans. But what about the self-aware, puzzle-solving androids of The...
The Pastagames crew invite us to the sun-kissed alleyways of Paris to spill the pasta on their ambitious, co-operative platformer-style...
It’s no secret that online gaming has acquired a less-than positive reputation over the years. We’ve all seen, heard, and...