The legendary fantasy series that defined computer RPGs returns, combining classic gameplay and storytelling with modern design and visuals NEWPORT...
From its top-down, pixelated 2D graphics to its straightforward plot set in a medieval fantasy world, Gift of Parthax may appear...
The Bard’s Tale Trilogy is no more. Thanks to a well-funded Kickstarter by InExile Entertainment (a company who I...
San Francisco, CA — Contingent99 and Humble Bundle are excited to announce that Wizard of Legend will be receiving a...
The developers of Big Pharma, Twice Circled, splashes Steam with an aquatic tycoon game, Megaquarium, which puts the players in... The Sims 4 Get Together Expansion Pack lets you Create and join Clubs with distinct interests, personalities, and styles...
Six new fleet skins, the long awaited Hissho comic, AI modding, and a making-of video to boot–we hope you 'fall'... Convict Games has revealed the first three levels of gameplay for "Hip-Hop Stoner Noir" STONE, a psychedelic adventure featuring a...