The most recent installment of "Deep Dive," a biweekly podcast series by video game remaster developer Nightdive Studios that takes...
Nightdive Studios
"Deep Dive," a new bi-weekly podcast series from video game remaster maker Nightdive Studios, takes listeners behind the scenes of...
Originally released all the way back to when I was just a kid, back in 1994, “System Shock” was a...
Based on the legendary 1994 sci-fi action game, the critically acclaimed System Shock reboot is now playable on platforms all...
A new female hacker protagonist, an extended conclusion, and several gameplay improvements are all included in the eagerly awaited version...
The award-winning System Shock remake, based on the iconic 1994 sci-fi action game, comes to consoles on May 21, 2024...
Nightdive Studios — renowned video game remaster studio and subsidiary of Atari, one of the world's most iconic consumer brands and interactive...
The following are impressions of the Plaion Booth games at PAX East 2023. Dead Island 2 Yes, you heard it...