Canadian developer and publisher, Digital Extremes, has renewed its commitment to Warframe's breakthrough open-world Landscape, Plains of Eidolon, with a full...
The Free-to-Play Title Launches Worldwide This Summer Irvine, Calif. – KOG Games, a leading developer and publisher of popular free-to-play...
Impact Gameworks has announced the arrival of Legend of Shara, the first full expansion to the hit turn-based roguelike Tangledeep... Heading to Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch on April 16 UK – Team17, a global games label,...
We all have a voice, but do you use yours? Altered Matter’s new game for PC, Etherborn, sets a new... London - PlayFusion and Games Workshop are proud to announce that the hugely successful trading card game, Warhammer Age...
The eSports Shop Hits April 16, Rocket Pass 3 featuring NEW Challenge System Goes Live April 17 SAN DIEGO –...
Torrance, Calif. – Aksys Games is pleased to announce that the award-winning and critically-acclaimed horror adventure, Death Mark, is now...