Surprise Attack Games released the reveal trailer for Burden, a living, breathing battlefield. Burden is a game of tactical tower...
Developer Adhesive Games has announced that the Hawken Initiate Bundle DLC is now available on Steam. The Initiate Bundle contains 2 mechs...
Nintendo has released the official launch trailer in anticipation of Yoshi's New Island release this Friday, March 14 on 3DS....
BioWare has released a new Insider video for Star Wars: The Old Republic featuring all of the exciting new content...
Developer Respawn Entertainment has explained why it takes 48GB installation size for PC. Respawn’s lead engineer, Richard Baker, explained...
Matt Thorson's TowerFall Ascension is now available on PS4. TowerFall Ascension is an archery platformer featuring intense local multiplayer battles and...
Developer Snowed In Studios has released its action RPG Windforge on Steam. About the Game WindForge is a side-scrolling block-building...
Ubisoft has released a new PS4 commercial for Watch Dogs and it's all about sharing. You can view the new...