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The Captain is Dead Based on Sci-Fi Board Game is Heading to Steam Early 2020

For the past two years, digital board game specialists, Thunderbox Entertainment, have been working on a top-secret, new project… and now they are finally ready to unveil their next, laser-fuelled release: the sci-fi, survival spectacular known throughout the galaxy as The Captain is Dead!

Those of you living on the outer rim of the cosmos might be unfamiliar with the original board game, which is like the last 10 minutes of your favourite sci-fi TV show… except that things have gone disastrously wrong, and (spoiler alert) The Captain is Dead.

Created in collaboration with table-top maestros, AEG and The Game Crafter, the videogame will deliver all the fun of the original, cardboard experience. Players will take charge of the ship’s stalwart crew, as they battle an unrelenting alien nemesis, intent on eating what little brains they have, and destroying their beloved ship. You’ll need to keep a cool head and utilise each crew member’s particular set of skills to repel boarders, keep the ship operational, and survive long enough to fix the Jump Core so you can escape to safety!

Players can expect all the tightly balanced, nail-biting strategy of the boxed game, with the immersion and flow of a fully realized virtual world. The original game’s totally unique aesthetic has been painstakingly recreated in full 3D, and you’ll feel as if you’ve been teleported right on to the board.

The Captain is Dead will be beaming down to your PC in early 2020, but there are three things you can do to help save the crew right now…

  1. Wishlist The Captain is Dead on Steam!
  2. Sign up for beta testing to get an early preview!
  3. Share the game’s webpage with your friends!

And of course, as with every great sci-fi epic, there are many surprises still in store to keep gamers on the edge of their Captain’s seat, so be sure to follow Thunderbox on Twitter if you don’t want to miss out!

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