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Tomb Raider, Hitman & Sleeping Dogs Fail to Hit Sales Targets

Even though Tomb Raider has sold 3.4 million units in the last four weeks, it’s still considered a failure in the eyes of Square-Enix’s financial board.

You can see below part of Square Enix’s financial report, which breaks down sales figures for each of its key releases for across the current financial year:

Whether you believe it or not, All three games have failed to hit their sales targets so far. The report added, “Despite the high critical acclaim, [the games] failed to meet each target. In particular North America sales force as ineffective, ending up with two-thirds of number of units sold in Europe. Moreover, price pressure was strong, which forced spending additional channel costs such as price protection.”

The grim financial numbers had Square Enix’s President Yoichi Wada resigning this morning.

What do you think of Square Enix and its failure to meet its financial numbers?

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