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ULTRACORE Retro-Platformer Announced for Nintendo Switch, Pre-orders Begin April 28

ULTRACORE Retro-Platformer Announced for Nintendo Switch,  Pre-orders Begin April 28

Ultracore, including an extended soundtrack, will also appear for Nintendo Switch in addition to the already announced versions for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita. Preorders can be placed from April 28 to June 30 on the official website of Strictly Limited Games.

Stuttgart, German – The Stuttgart-based publisher, Strictly Limited Games, which specializes in the publication of highly limited, physical collector’s editions of digital games for PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, and Nintendo Switch, today announced that the long-awaited title, Ultracore, will also appear for the Nintendo Switch. Pre-orders can be placed for two months, starting on April 28 and running until June 30. There will also be a limited Collector’s Edition for the PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch, which can also be pre-ordered on

Fans of the synthwave sound will especially get their money’s worth with Ultracore. Strictly Limited Games announced today that an optional second soundtrack will be integrated into the game alongside the fantastic original soundtrack from the 1990’s. Fans and players reacted so well to the teaser trailer, which features the music of the band Mega Drive, that Strictly Limited Games, in cooperation with other artists and the label FiXT Neon, will include more soundtracks and music in the game. Along with the already mentioned Mega Drive, genre stars such as Scandroid and Waveshaper will contribute to the new soundtrack.

Related: ULTRACORE Retro-Platformer Announces Final Level after 25 Years to Appear End of May 2019 for PlayStation 4 and Vita

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