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My Uncle Merlin: a Tale of Wizards in Space Needs Your Support on Kickstarter

My Uncle Merlin: a Tale of Wizards in Space Needs Your Support on Kickstarter

Indie developer Pocket Mana is requesting your support on Kickstarter for My Uncle Merlin – an interactive adventure featuring wizards in space.

My Uncle Merlin is a tale of a young man, his uncle, and their unconventional journey through the vast unknown, on an unrelenting, dragon-propelled wizardly tower.

The young man in question is the main character who goes by the name of Eddie. He is ambitious, desperate to prove himself, and thus susceptible to morally questionable decisions. In other words, he has all the key ingredients for moving up in the world.

Key Features:

  • The story revolves around Eddie, a young apprentice, and his uncle Merlin, who are taking off on an epic journey through the galaxy, riding a dragon-propelled wizardly tower.

  • You travel from one location to the next, interacting with lots of colorful folks and creatures along the way. Some want to help you, some want to hurt you, but most can do both.

  • Your choices will determine the outcomes of these heavily intertwined events, and tailor the overall storyline.

  • You’ll explore the universe, collect items, acquire gold and complete quests… But only if you make sure to feed the dragon!

Check Out the My Uncle Merlin Kickstarter Video:

You can help support and play the demo of My Uncle Merlin on Kickstarter right now.

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