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XO Warps into Kickstarter

XO Warps into Kickstarter

XO, by developer Jumpdrive Studios, has warped onto Kickstarter with the help of Square Enix Collective, but it needs your help to complete the jump! Inspired by sci-fi works such as Battlestar Galactica and games like FTL, XO’s spaceship fleet management gameplay will challenge you to make tough decisions while on the run from an unstoppable invading force.


XO is a single player game. Newtonian physics govern starship movement in a 2D plane. The game unfolds in real-time but you can pause the action and issue commands. Most of the gameplay is procedurally generated, including events, weapons, star systems, and personalities. These rogue-like elements ensure XO will be replayable and unique during each session.


  • XO is a single player game in development for PC, Mac, and Linux
  • The game unfolds in real-time but gives you the ability to pause the action and issue commands
  • XO focuses on tactics, operations and big decisions over micro-management
  • How you respond to events will have lasting effects on the people in your fleet
  • Most of the gameplay is procedurally generated: events, starships, star systems, planets and personalities
  • Newtonian physics govern starship movement in a 2D plane
  • We believe in Permadeath

XO will be releasing for PC, Mac, Linux in 2016 and is also headed to Steam Early Access. So head on over to Kickstarter and show your support.

Related: XO is Headed to Kickstarter and Steam Greenlight, New Trailer

Source: Press Release

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