The Debut Bundle from Indie Royale is live with six games included, four of which are new games or versions...
Blizzard is looking into making Rare and Legendary items more special with the upcoming Diablo 3 update 1.0.8 and not...
According to Capcom, Street Fighter X Mega Man has surpassed 1,000,000 downloads worldwide, although the actual number could be much...
In accordance with the Mass Effect 3 Website, the N7 Bounty Weekend Operation Lodestar is now live.Here is the info,...
In an effort to build our new Facebook page, we are giving away a free digital copy of Max Payne...
The following is SimCity's latest tweet: Server Update: We're still working on EU 4, good availability on others especially our...
Gearbox revealed at the SXSW Friday that a new Vault Hunter is heading to Borderlands 2. In a teaser shown...
Maxis’ General Manager, Lucy Bradshaw, notes that the SimCity server capacity has increased 120% in the last 48 hours, and...