NEXON, a prominent global Virtual Worlds leader, announced that HIT2 (known as HIT: The World in Japan) will be released...
PM Studios and Pocket Trap are excited to announce Pipistrello and the Cursed Yoyo, a 2D narrative-driven retro platforming adventure...
The second story expansion of Dead Island 2, called SoLA, will be available on April 17 for Xbox and PlayStation,...
Broadside Games and Ravenscourt are excited to announce that Bears In Space is now available for PC via Steam and...
Capcom, a renowned developer and publisher of video games, has finally released the much-awaited action-RPG, Dragon's Dogma 2 on PlayStation...
Online casinos have been popular for some time, as they offer casino fans from all over the world to enjoy...
Paradox Interactive and Whatboy Games announced at the Future Games Show that Nexus 5X will launch on April 18, 2024,...
Ankama, the publisher of popular MMOs, Wakfu and Dofus, has teamed up with video game developer Blue Banshee to release...