Starting April 9th, Unlock Her Secrets & Lore
SEATTLE – En Masse Entertainment is ready to introduce Closers community to Bai, a “cool” new character. While Bai will launch into the game on April 23rd, there is a lot to learn about her along the way. Her story will unfold on the Closers site beginning next week, with a bit more about Bai being unlocked over time.
Closers players are in for a treat! Starting April 9th, players can create a Bai character and reserve a name ahead of the April 23rd launch. It’s never too early to prepare for Bai’s arrival!
Lastly, what character launch is complete without an assortment of free goodies and spectacular events to go along with it? En Masse has a number of exciting opportunities for players to become invested in Bai’s story and to get her off the ground running once April 23rd rolls along. More specifics about events and in-game items will be revealed in the coming weeks on the Closers site.

About Bai
Imbued with power (and burden), Bai Winchester is the newest member of the Wildhüter. Using devastating ice-based attacks, this mysterious Closer will stop at nothing to protect those that need it.
Closers is available for PC via Steam
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