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Comic-Con: ‘Warcraft’ Movie Weapons and Logo Revealed

Warcraft movie logo

In advance of their panel on Saturday, Legendary revealed a few small glimpses into the world of Warcraft. Directed by Duncan Jones, the film hits theaters March 11 2016. Above, you can see the logo. Below, check out some of the Warcraft movie weapons on display from the film including one of the most famous: the Doomhammer.

Here are some images of a huge shield, sword and hammer from Warcraft.

Warcraft movie weapons

The sword and shield are weapons of the Alliance. As for the hammer it is, of course, the legendary Doomhammer. It’s a weapon so iconic, it has its own Wikipage. You can read it there. Legendary also released these official descriptions:

  • Doomhammer A savage orc weapon unleashed in the name of the Horde
  • Dragon Sword This gleaming blade is wielded in the name of the Alliance
  • Lion Shield Symbol of the strength of Azeroth

Related: World of Warcraft Movie First Image Surfaces

Source: Film

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