Dragon Raja is a massive MMORPG, developed and published by Archosaur Games, that is filled with action, PVP, and amazing graphics. It was first released in China by Tencent but released globally late February. I started playing the game a couple days after the global release and was blown away by how good the graphics are. The photography feature of Dragon Raja really brings out your inner photographer

You can also create your own drama with the Dragon Raja characters!

Dragon Raja is based on the Chinese novels by Jiang Nan. In terms of a loose plot, in Dragon Raja, you play as a Hybrid (human with the power of the Dragons) that’s been sent to Cassell College where the most talented Hybrids are located and are sent on missions with the main cast of Dragon Raja to rid the world of evil dragons and death servitors. You can read the full back-story here.
During character creation, you can choose from all sorts of options to personalize your character however you want! There are so many things to choose from that I ended up spending more than an hour just creating my character when I first started! As of right now, you can choose to be a female, male, or lolita. Don’t worry though, there’s an option to change your character type when you reach level 70. But yeah, the characters in this game are so pretty!

There are also many classes to play as and more to come. Currently available is Blade Master, Gunslinger, Assassin, and Soul Dancer. Future updates will bring about the Fighter class and the Scythe/Nightmare class.
In terms of which class to play as, it’s up to your play style. If you like fighting in close range and doing a lot of crowd control then Blade Master seems like a good option. Plus you get to flip people and there’s a chance to “resurrect” yourself and continue to fight for about 10 seconds after death. If you like doing damage from far away then Gunslinger is pretty good. Assassins have high DPS (damage per second) but it’s considered one of the hardest classes so far because you need to get combos timed right to deal massive damage and the fact that the Assassin class switches between melee fighting and ranged fighting can be a bit difficult. If you like playing as support then Soul Dancer is the class for you as it’s the only class that’s able to heal a large number of people. Although I have to say, the healing ability of Soul Dancers is a bit weak (compared to the support/healers in other games). What’s unique about the Soul Dancer class is that you essentially have a twin/Gemini that fights along with you in battle. The interactions between you and your twin are super cute (you can see for yourself if you idle for a bit in game).
Don’t stress too much about picking a class though because once you reach level 40, you’re able to switch to another class. The first class switch takes about 300,000 gold with the next taking 900,000 gold. It’s pricey but you can definitely unlock all classes on one single character (and switch between classes once you have them unlocked). I started as an Assassin but then switched to Soul Dancer because I wanted to play as a support. Being an Assassin was pretty fun though. Assassins have an ability called Crystal Coffin that shields your character in ice and immunes yourself to any damage which is helpful in PVP battles and during dungeons and boss fights.

There’s so much to do in the world of Dragon Raja. I really like the freedom to do what you want. You can become the next top chef or the next superstar or even both as you can activate two career paths once you reach a certain level (level 60?). The update that just released yesterday brought the Open Shop career so you can become the next big shop owner as well.
You can also join the basketball team and unlock the super cute basketball outfit! Or attend bond parties that your friends or strangers host. Or play the claw game. I have to warn you though, the claw game in Dragon Raja is pretty realistic in that it’s hard to get a prize! You have to be super lucky to get the figurines! Most of the time when I’m playing it, the figures get picked up but then fall again… But once you finally get something it’s super rewarding!
What I really enjoy about the game is the storyline and the fact that you can interact with the main cast of Dragon Raja by giving them gifts. At certain levels or link points, the ally (as they’re referred to) will interact with you through the message system or give you gifts (super cute). I just wish there wasn’t a gift-giving cap each day! I want to shower each character with gifts!

Dragon Raja comes with a lot of references. I always feel really happy each time I come across a reference.

In Dragon Raja, you can also post moments for others to see and interact with the moments that allies post. If you have high enough link points with an ally, they’ll like your moments! So adorable!
You can put items on sale and gain diamonds (which is used to purchase a lot of the items that can increase your rating) and participate in PVP events to become victorious.

Again, there’s so much to do so if you’re interested, it’s probably best that you experience it for yourself as there’s still some content that I haven’t touched on. One thing to note though, because Dragon Raja has so much content, make sure to free up some space when downloading!
For my rating, I would give Dragon Raja a 9/10. This game is awesome but it takes a lot of patience if you are a free to play player (those who don’t spend a lot of money on the game) because your rating will rise slowly compared to those that pay money to advance. At least for me, sometimes I get a bit frustrated when I get paired with the players that spend a lot during PVP events because I know I have no chance of winning but they all seem nice. I wish there was a system to match based on rating and not level so fights can be fairer. I also wish that most of the events weren’t so money hungry. I know the game needs money in order to keep going but it’s so sad that the only way to get some cosmetics, like the Fiery Storm outfit, is to spend a lot, a lot of money and to have good luck. Also, I like the idea of server levels to get those who join later to catch up but it’s kind of annoying having to wait so many days for a server level upgrade. For example, I believe from server level 80 to server level 85 it takes 17 or so days to upgrade 🙁 I hope the developers can consider shortening the days it takes to upgrade the server level.
Overall though, Dragon Raja is one of the best, if not the best, MMORPGs that I’ve played on mobile. I’ve been playing this game for a good month now and it’s still pretty entertaining. The developers are quick to bring out new content which is really nice! I can’t wait to see the housing system and the heir system appear in the global version!
Check Out the Dragon Raja Final Trailer:
Dragon Raja is available on the App Store and Google Play. You can play on PC using an emulator as well. You can learn more here: https://dragonraja.zloong.com.
If you’re interested in joining the Dragon Raja family, consider using my invite code JRBQHJQ4R on the character creation screen so that you can get a gift when you reach level 60. Also, join me and my main character in S2-Valhalla!
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