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ELDEST SOULS Review for Nintendo Switch

Eldest Souls is a captivating, fast-paced game that forces the player to develop and strengthen their combat skills through ruthless fights against enemy after enemy. As the debut game from Fallen Flag Studio, it launched on July 29th, 2021, and is an exceptionally well-crafted work of art and technology. This Boss-Rush game pushes the player out of their comfort zone and forces them to level up their tactical skills and mental stamina, while providing stunning pixel art that perfectly encapsulates the atmosphere of the journey. 

The game starts with an invigorating cutscene, introducing the player to the backstory of the Eldest Souls world, where tragedy has fallen over humankind and the Old Gods reign supreme. Previously, the Kingdom’s soldiers, the Crusade, had charged into the Citadel, vowing that they would slay the Old Gods for good, but their attempt had only ended in disaster and bloodshed. As powerful beings who were once trapped by the humans, the Old Gods unleashed their final act of revenge by casting a desolating evil throughout the world. The player explores the barren remains of what’s left from the perspective of a lone soldier, who represents not only bravery and courage, but also humanity’s last chance. Gifted with a sword that is powerful enough to slay the Old Gods, the player must make their way through the remains of the Ancient Kingdom, with the single objective of finally setting humanity free.

ELDEST SOULS Review for Nintendo Switch

The developers ease the players into the game, allowing them to explore their surroundings outside of the Citadel before they make their way in. They can then learn and become familiar with basic moves, controls, and fighting abilities, as well as collect hints and clues about the ominous fate of the Crusaders. There is much to explore even before the first boss is encountered, as the developers litter interesting and unique details throughout each scene, creating an aura of mystery and intrigue. 

As a player, you must encounter and defeat the Old Gods to progress through each level and advance deeper into the game. The Gods are scattered throughout the Citadel, and once you step unknowingly into their territory, invisible boundaries appear and the atmosphere changes, creating a battleground between you and your enemy. There are 10 Old Gods that must be defeated overall, each one designed and crafted in their own hauntingly beautiful way. Bearing their own unique fighting tactics and powers, each battle with the Gods allows you to gain a deeper understanding of the enemy and how you must approach them. After every defeat, you are awarded with new skills and fighting powers, allowing you to achieve a different level of combat ability against more powerful souls. 

ELDEST SOULS Review for Nintendo Switch

For gamers who enjoy a tough Boss-Rush game that challenges them and pushes them to the max, this is a perfect fit. Eldest Souls is perfectly crafted for people who love to work at a problem until they solve it, and find beauty and adrenaline in every defeat. This game provides players with the opportunity to learn from their failures, and use their mistakes to strengthen their next attempt, charging forward with new knowledge and strategy. 

Setting the plot and storyline aside, the meticulously crafted pixel art of this game has exceeded any and all expectations. As the debut game for Fallen Flag Studios, the artwork in this game is absolutely phenomenal. Whether the player is a pixel art lover like me or not, I’m sure they’ll come to appreciate the breathtaking attention to detail that the developers provide.

ELDEST SOULS Review for Nintendo Switch

While the game is challenging, it leaves a lot of room for player improvement and growth, so for those who are unsure about their ability to progress past each level, there’s no need to worry. In-game tutorials are provided, and checkpoints allow locations to be saved, so players can regenerate where they left off and try the battle again. This game is a must-try and scores highly on plot, difficulty, and visuals, earning a 9/10 overall. As a reviewer who is completely new to Boss-Rush games, Eldest Souls was definitely challenging, and required patience and determination. This is a game that I will definitely be coming back to, and I look forward to more excellent work from Fallen Flags Studio in the future.

Check Out the Eldest Souls Launch Trailer:

For more information about Eldest Souls, head to


  • Emily Chou

    College student who grew up loving writing, and got drawn into the world of gaming during the pandemic. When I'm not exploring new games, I like to code, watch anime, or make pixel art.

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