SEGA today announced Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis, the free-to-play online action RPG game, has released the highly anticipated Hellfire Vanguard update, which includes a new fourth region, chapter 4, characters, weapons, level cap increase, and more.
The Hellfire Vanguard update unlocks the newest open field region, Stia, in Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis. Volcanic Stia includes the harsh Dreisen Plant, Mediola Outer Area, and an ARKs base. ARKs will battle squads of Gigantix and the powerful Recon Gigants and complete a new Trial. The region is dotted with scorching Lava Pools and dangerous Lava Bombs rain down from above; throw Lava Bombs to do major damage, but don’t hold on to them for too long!
Continue the captivating story of Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis in Chapter 4, explore more of Halpha, and meet new characters like Glen, Kanui, and more. Work with Glen and Kanui to explore the region and determine if Dark Falz is lurking in Stia. Players can unlock level 70 and new skills for all classes as the story unfolds and complete new Battledias, Urgent Quests and courses. New 8-star Rarity Effulgent and Kouklophis weapon series are available today at weapons traders.
Today’s update also includes a slew of new features and additions that improve quality-of-life in-game! To see all the updates launching today, watch the most recent NGS Headline.
The Global version of PHANTASY STAR ONLINE 2 NEW GENESIS includes fully localized text and character voices in English and will remain content current with the Japanese servers. Details can be found at For additional up-to-the-minute updates, players can follow @play_PSO2 on Twitter, @PSO2Official on Facebook and @play_pso2 on Instagram. For more information about Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis, visit:
Related: Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis Announces Huge Player Housing Update
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