Mission: It’s Complicated is a free game now available on Steam for Mac and PC. Produced and developed my Schell Games, Mission: It’s Complicated is easily one of the best free gaming experiences I have had to date.
You, a lowly PhD candidate, suddenly have the weight of saving the world thrust upon you, and the only way to do so… is to make two superheroes fall in love. Good thing your thesis was about Superheroes forming relationships during missions, right?

Set in the theme of a comic book, Mission: It’s Complicated draws on a semi-Choose-Your-Own-Adventure mentality. After making a superhero team, you direct your team members on various missions around the city, dictating how the mission should be completed, with the outcome varying depending on your choices.
Missions are not the only thing you send your heroes on… of course, the goal is love (be that friendship or otherwise) so you also have opportunities to send superheroes on “bonding exercise” hint hint wink wink. However, both missions and dates are not all determined by your actions: the hero’s moods do play into the end result, so that is something to keep in mind.

Despite the quick play of the game, deep thought and lore clearly went into the making of Mission: It’s Complicated. Each of the five superheroes you recruit have intriguing backgrounds you can unlock, and depending on what pairings you choose to focus on, interactions on the team can change significantly. This creates endless replays of Mission: It’s Complicated, which I intend to explore.

While appearing simplistic in its execution, Mission: It’s Complicated still maintains a pure, fun time full of wholesome as well as compelling moments. Those who enjoy comic books will certainly enjoy the artwork of the game. And if you have ever wanted to fulfill that fantasy of being a teacher and “shipping” two of your students and attempting to get them together by placing them in the same workgroup over and over… here is your chance.

My only grievance is that, at least for me, the achievements seemed not to be functioning through Steam. I know I should have earned some, since I looked at what you need to do to get them, and yet none were marked as fulfilled. I am slightly disappointed about that.
Regardless, please give Mission: It’s Complicated a try. I mean, why not? It’s free!
Check Out the Mission: It’s Complicated Steam Trailer:
Mission: It’s Complicated is available for free for Windows PC and Mac via Steam.
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