Following its highly-acclaimed launch on PlayStation VR (PS VR) and the Oculus Quest on September 29, Schell Games' virtual...
Schell Games
After an overwhelmingly positive reception from players, Schell Games' fantastical virtual reality (VR) melee game, Until You Fall, is scheduled to...
PITTSBURGH, PA ー June 17, 2020 ー The Pittsburgh Knights are excited to announce a unique digital experience with Schell...
Schell Games' Acclaimed VR Title Included in Elite List of Top Performers PITTSBURGH ー Reaching a major milestone, Schell...
Mission: It’s Complicated is a free game now available on Steam for Mac and PC. Produced and developed my Schell... This Visual Novel Will Be Free on Steam Starting February 14, 2020 PITTSBURGH – Love is in the... Starting today, Friday, January 17, Oculus will be hosting a "Free Oculus Experience" weekend for Until You Fall, the... PITTSBURGH – Leading virtual reality (VR) game developer, Schell Games, is proud to announce it has been awarded almost...