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OUTLAWS OF THE OLD WEST Impressions on Steam Early Access

OUTLAWS OF THE OLD WEST Impressions on Steam Early Access

Saddle up and get ready to ride. Outlaws of the Old West for Steam Early Access is here! Created by Wandering Wizard and Virtual Basement, this open world survival game offers both a single player and an online experience so gamers can fully explore the Old Western frontier. This eerily realistic sandbox game will leave players stunned by their ability to create, destroy, and explore. With survival and prosperity as your main objectives, you’d better hope you have a fire when night hits. Or maybe not; you never know who the light might attract.

OUTLAWS OF THE OLD WEST Impressions on Steam Early Access

The main objectives of Outlaws of the Old West are to survive and thrive. So, paying attention to your health bar, staying hydrated, and maintaining hunger is vital to the player’s success. As soon as the game begins, players should find a reliable site with enough food, water, and resources to support them. Because crafting your home will take stone and wood, players should consider building their home in an area with a lot of stones and trees in addition to food and water. It is also important to note players will not respawn at their campsite unless they have built a tent or sleeping bag so make sure the settlement’s location is memorable! Looking for landmarks and keeping an eye on the compass is important. The same goes for traveling. If the player dies, they lose all items on their person and restart with nothing. Although it is easy to craft new items, the player may retrieve their items if they remember where they died. This won’t stop others from taking it nor will it guarantee they find their body every time but there’s still a chance!

OUTLAWS OF THE OLD WEST Impressions on Steam Early Access

The controls are simplistic and self-explanatory. Using the traditional AWSD keys for movement and click-to-attack makes Outlaws of the Old West enjoyable and fluid. However, I highly suggest players turn down their mouse sensitivity. While it is easy to navigate, the camera may move too fast if the player’s sensitivity is turned up too high!

OUTLAWS OF THE OLD WEST Impressions on Steam Early Access

Players can explore the Old West through both single player and online servers. While single player servers may be the player’s forte, they shouldn’t feel intimidated by the online servers! Sure, there may be some unfriendly outlaws, but danger is always lurking no matter what! Grizzly bears, mountain lions, and even American badgers are likely to attack if players get too close. Whereas players will more than likely encounter some friendly comrades and perhaps end up joining a squad if they play online. This game might be self-explanatory, but I can admit there were times I needed a little assistance and was grateful for my fellow players! So, don’t be afraid of the online servers!

OUTLAWS OF THE OLD WEST Impressions on Steam Early Access

Whether you’re peaceful and looking to join a guild or a lone ranger trying to make a name for yourself, you are bound to find your niche in Outlaws of the Old West. Wandering Wizard and Virtual Basement have not spared any opportunity for player creativity. From character customization to settlement design, players have every chance to forge their own path down the Western frontier. But be careful, between other dangerous outlaws and wild animals, danger is always near. These rolling hills and deep valleys sure do look like heaven but I swear after the first time you’re killed, even the sounds of your own footsteps are sure to make you feel on edge!

Check Out the Outlaws of the Old West Steam Early Access Trailer:

Outlaws of the Old West releases today for PC via Steam Early Access.

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