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Railroad Corporation Preview for Steam

Railroad Corporation Preview for Steam

Imagine you’re back in 19th Century North America, and you’re in charge of establishing your own railroad, complete with trading several different commodities, such as coal, iron ores, wheat, wood, and even passengers from one city to the next. In Railroad Corporation, by Publisher Iceberg Interactive and developer Corbie Games, this game allows you to relive the pioneering age by racing against the clock to complete missions in order to bring together settlements through trade as well as developing new technologies to advance and increase the speed of transportation and trade functions. Although the time limit to complete missions is optional, I highly recommend using this function because it makes the game more challenging and, therefore, more enjoyable.

Railroad Corporation Preview for Steam

The vividly real and interactive graphics allow the player to be fully immersed in the game and play as if they were a person actually living in the paramount era of the railroad. Along with the serene music and the visual effects, the player will feel as if they are truly conducting their own railroad corporation in real time. Experience the fun of building your own company, and the real effects and consequences that come with it, including being fired if you go over the spending limit and credit line that your company allows you to have in order to not only build the railroads, but to maintain the locomotive trains, and to account for the cost of upkeep for the railroad and the buildings that your company owns.

I think that the real life consequences of this game make it more enjoyable, especially for the fact that the game is all about building and maintaining your company. If you perform any actions to disrupt the flow and operation of the company, you will get punished, because in real time, the same rules would apply and this is one of the many parts of the game that makes it so palpable and gratifying to play. The player is given several objectives to complete before the tutorial ends, and at that time they are ready to start playing the game as a hired employee of a railroad company.

Railroad Corporation Preview for Steam

The player is given three choices for who they would like to work for, each with different incentives before each mission.

Railroad Corporation Preview for Steam

Once the company is chosen, the player is then on their own to complete the objectives within the allotted time period. It is up to the player to complete these missions before the time period runs out, and without spending too much money to accomplish them, lest they risk being fired and having to start the game over again.

Railroad Corporation is a very challenging game, but it is very rewarding and offers a real life view of the beginning of the railroad corporation and trade. While building your own railroads and establishing trade, the player is also getting education on the way that railroad corporations were run as well as the trial and error process of running a business. The player is rewarded along the way with incentives such as extra cash at the start of missions, reduced rates on railroad building, and gained experience as they complete objectives. Overall, I highly recommend this game because of the lifelike imagery and playout, as well as the challenging aspect of establishing your own railroad.

Check Out the Railroad Corporation Trailer:

Railroad Corporation is available for PC via Steam Early Access.


  • Courtney La Verne

    I am an army veteran and currently a sophomore at Portland State University majoring in English. I have always looked to gaming as an outlet outside of my everyday life and a way to experiment with playing different types of games and take on new and exciting characters with different backgrounds. It's kind of like getting to become a new person every time you play a game.

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