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Yes, Your Grace Beta Impressions for Steam

Yes,Your Grace, by developer Brave At Night and publisher, No More Robots, is a pixelated, 8-bit journey where the player plays a monarch of a small kingdom. What with potential wars, poverty in the village, and a royal family to look after, the king must assure his time and resources are not wasted and are spent tactfully.

Currently Yes, Your Grace is at its beta stage, so a rating will not be necessary since it is still yet to be fully finished and improved.

Yes, Your Grace Beta Impressions for Steam


Pros (with maybe a small con):

  • The sound is particularly nothing to write home about (right now, anyway), but it is calming and consistent with the overall medieval, royal theme. The volume of gameplay movements and transitional sounds are at an appropriate volume that thankfully does not distract the player, while still keeping up its intended purpose of laying out an appropriate and gentle atmosphere for the situation at hand.



  • Graphics are actually quite impressive and charming to look at, especially if one is fond of old-fashioned 8-bit game graphics, without the gameplay awkwardness. Layouts of the different settings are beautiful, simple, and easy on the eyes. I am not often as charmed by pixel games as I used to be, but the graphic design in this hits a good balance.


  • A bulk of the game is set in wide-screen mode a ton of black space at the bottom and top of it on the screen. But this space is meant to be utilized for keeping track of resources and important quests.
Yes, Your Grace Beta Impressions for Steam



  • The everyday life of a king is surely not easy, and continuing to act in a way that is both stern and strategically kind enough to neighboring kingdoms and your own truly is an interesting challenge.
  • The plot builds slowly and allows some time to navigate quests and choices in such a way that does not pressure the player to influence the story’s climax later on in a way they don’t want to.


  • The game starts with a “1 year earlier…” kind of premise, which in my opinion (and perhaps others), might ruin the build up and make the first half of the game tedious to mull over if the player is already expectant of what’s to come.
  • I had to stop playing at a certain point as it wasn’t clear what I had to do next — I finished all my quests and usually, the story is meant to forward from there via a button that is meant to remind the player of a pending quest and/or advance the player to the following week; though since the game is in its beta stage, I would not be surprised if that is just when the beta version reaches its end (I would also not be surprised if I simply was just unable to progress myself).
Yes, Your Grace Beta Impressions for Steam



  • The player navigates primarily using their mouse to click their way in and out of settings and to finish conversations. Initially, I wasn’t too keen at this, but it grew on me quickly.


  • The absence of a forwarding effort in the game when reaching a certain point in the plot is an obvious flaw in gameplay. But as aforementioned, this could very well be because of the game’s current beta stage, though it would be a bit nice if that was communicated during that point if that is in fact the case.
  • It’s too easy to accidentally exit out of the game when looking through options. There is no “Are you sure you want to exit without saving?” precautionary message, which makes me all the more sad when my progress is erased without realizing it.

Reviewers Opinion

I’m actually very much fond of the game and am interested to see how the rest of the game will turn out. The gameplay cons obviously come as small frustrations, but I believe I would be willing to overlook them for the sake of finishing the rest of the plot and story, or until I’m tired of dealing with the responsibilities of being a monarch.

Check Out the Yes, Your Grace Trailer:

Yes, Your Grace is coming to PC and console platforms in 2020. You can wishlist it for PC via Steam right now.

For more information, please visit the official website,

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