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RAINBOW SKIES Review for PlayStation 4

RAINBOW SKIES Review for PlayStation 4

Rainbow Skies, developed by Side Quest Studios and eastasiasoft, is basically a phone app game, ported over for the PS4 console (why?) with some cut scenes added. The interface is fairly standard phone or, if you are old enough to remember, Nintendo64 fare: simple dialog menus and 64 bit looking static graphical images. Backgrounds and characters are seen from an angle high above; the landscape doesn’t move and the characters float around like Pac-man ghosts. Your hometown / base is aptly named “BOREVILLE” – are we being trolled by the creators of this game?  The narrative is a typical fighting and exploration story; you must prove yourself to doubters by fighting monsters and exploring new / forbidden realms. I spent WAY too much time going through this game seeing all of “Arca” and then challenging grumpy father-figure characters to explore forbidden “Lunah” …yawn. The silent scrolling typed dialog is extremely stilted, long-winded, includes a lot of patently un-funny attempts at humor, and is often wholly superfluous. Sound effects and music are stale, but not in a cool old school 64 bit way….just bland and grating.

You play as Damion (you can change the name), a Japanese animation looking big headed sword-wielding dude whom you navigate around to interact stiffly with other characters and use to “fight” monsters. The “fighting” monsters consists of one button push and choosing a direction to attack or defend; essentially, there isn’t an action component to this game.

I would say that this title is aimed at young gamers (5-10yrs old), BUT the narrative from the very beginning includes references to hangovers and getting drunk…not exactly the kind of thing a parent wants their child emulating.

Not surprisingly, there is an in game purchase component to this game that helps players to “build” their character. I cannot imagine how better weapons or any other in game purchase could make this title any more entertaining.

RAINBOW SKIES Review for PlayStation 4
Graphics do not in any way take advantage of the PS4 platform capabilities
RAINBOW SKIES Review for PlayStation 4
There is almost zero real control of character battles and play is not engaging in any satisfactory way for an adult. Way behind, in terms of mechanics, even most phone app games.

Score: 4/10

Here is the Rainbow Skies Video:

Rainbow Skies is now available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, and PlayStation Vita.

Related: RAINBOW SKIES Fantasy Turn-Based RPG Now Out on PlayStation Platforms



    I am a console gamer generally and play both Xbox One and PS4. I am drawn to third and, though slightly less-so, first person adventure titles. I like some character development, but often find myself frustrated by games with a heavy "RPG" component. Online and campaign type formats are fun for me and I'm very familiar with the ins and outs of "live" game-play.

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PlayStation 4 Review
  • 4/10
    Overall Score - 4/10
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