The Messenger is a truly new and unique spin on the classic action-adventure platformers like Metroid and Castlevania. The players...
Xbox One
Phantom Doctrine is a turn-based tactical game from CreativeForge Games. They are a Warsaw-based game development studio founded in 2011....
SAN FRANCISCO – Today, Ubisoft announced the Far Cry 5 x Mondo Edition, featuring a set of artwork inspired by...
Rockstar Games is happy to announce that this week in GTA Online is full of exciting new additions for players, including...
Masters of Anima, the new project from Passtech Games, the makers of the indie-gem, Space Run, will release this Spring...
LOS ANGELES – SQUARE ENIX opens up new ways for fans to journey through the massive world of FINAL FANTASY XV with FINAL...
A great year for Battlefield 1 has begun. On the road ahead players will find great content, trials, more Battlefield 1 Turning Tides,...
Major Nelson of Xbox has released this week’s Xbox deals with Gold. Note that the discounts are valid now until January...