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XERA: Survival Preview for Steam

XERA: Survival Preview for Steam

What is more dangerous than a fighting machine suddenly becoming sentient and wanting to destroy their very creators? The answer: desperate humans with little to lose. Developed by Spotted Kiwi Interactive, Xera: Survival is a first-person shooter, multiplayer, and open world survival game, where players have the option to either team up or compete against one another. Think of it like Hunger Games, except instead of frightened children running around, there are trigger happy players and robots that will attack on sight.

You begin with very little and with just the clothes on your back you must bravely embark from the survivor base into risky territory. As you play you must continuously look for loot; items that will benefit your survival such as food, water, medical supplies and weapons. These could all be found scattered throughout the environment in abandoned buildings, cars, campsites, military bases and the occasional emergency airdrop. The most common way players have resorted to obtaining loot is by killing other players. Once you die, all that you have gathered on your personnel will spill out around your body like a macabre pinata. Surviving is difficult enough as it is, but when vicious gun-toting players are also thrown into the mix, it’s downright impossible. Kill or be killed is the motto of this game as the threat of robots becomes an afterthought when the true dangers are the survivors around you.

XERA: Survival Preview for Steam

The environment is nicely designed as small details such as light filtering through the leaves, birds chirping around you, and foggy mornings give a lovely sense of realism and attention. The best way to play is with a good set of headphones, as the game’s directional sound gives you a better sense of the surrounding and a heads up when another player may be sneaking around you. There is only one map to explore, however it is very vast and traveling around can take up a significant amount of time. To avoid your time-consuming expeditions, it is best if you find an ATV or if you utilize the helicopter that occasionally arrives to pick players to and from survivor bases.

Xera:Survival would be a great game to play if you were to play along with others you trust, but if you were playing alone, expect ruthless competitors. It is difficult to level up, especially if you keep dying and losing all that you have tried to scavenge. Especially because there is also so much area to cover, to have all your time and resourcefulness wasted from a sudden death is very frustrating. To make matters worse, your executioner tends to gloat over your death. If you are experienced in first person, Player vs Player games, this may be the game for you. If you are not, just be prepared for unforgiving players who laugh in the face of newcomers.

PROS: Great environment and ambient sounds and interesting battle/survival mechanics.

CONS: Finding loot is very time-consuming (unless you killed someone for it) and players can be very mean.

Check Out the XERA: Survival Steam Early Access Trailer:

XERA: Survival is available for PC via Steam Early Access. For more information, please visit here:

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Video games have always been a huge influence in my life and have definitely shaped me to who I am today . Some of my best memories growing up were the many adventures and stories I was able to experience and become immersed in. If my hands aren't either covered in clay, typing, editing, creating, or helping shoving food in my mouth, they would either be gripped to a controller, tapping away at the screen of my phone, or clicking away on my PC. I am always up for trying something new because why live just one life when you can live many.